• Rotor Spinning Machine


    JWF1612 Rotor Spinning Machine is developed by JingWei company and has its own intellectual property right. The speed range of rotors is 80000~105000r/m and the delivery speed is up to 200m/minute. Accurate semi automatic pneumatic piecing-up technology greatly increase the piecing-up rate and quality. New air extracting spinning boxes product high quality yarn.

  • Rotor Spinning Machine


    JWF1608 Rotor Spinning Machine adopts air extracting spinning boxes and the rotor speed is 50000~80000r/m. The electric and mechanical integration is used for the semi automatic pneumatic piecing-up system. The process parameters is adjusted and displayed by touching screen and the datum can be centrally controlled. The process negative pressure is automatically adjusted by inverter and it ensures the stable pressure and high quality yarn.

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